2 car dealerships accused of false advertising

2 car dealerships accused of false advertising

There may be a multitude of companies in Louisiana and elsewhere who are constantly adjusting product prices in an effort to maximize profits while keeping up with the competition. Unfortunately, a strategy that some may view as competitive pricing may appear deceptive in nature to others. Two car dealerships in another state have recently become the subjects of a lawsuit after being accused of unlawful trade practices and false advertising.

According to reports, the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection of a city in another state filed a lawsuit accusing both dealerships of engaging in deceptive trade practices. The DCWP claims that one one of the dealerships is culpable of refusing to honor prices listed in a recent sales advertisement. The dealership has also been accused of attempting to modify these advertisements later on in an attempt to mask its deception.

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The other dealership has reportedly been accused of misleading consumers by concealing hidden costs within its advertisements. This dealership also stands accused of attempting to conceal misleading practices by refusing to submit documents under subpoena. The New York City DCWP has filed a lawsuit against both dealerships and is seeking more than $200,000 in restitution, along with the revocation of their dealership licenses.

The outcome of litigation for allegations of false advertising and unlawful trade practices could have a substantial impact on a company’s future. Those who encounter similar forms of dispute could benefit from speaking with an attorney early on for guidance in understanding their legal rights and all their available options. An attorney can help a client in Louisiana make informed choices about his or her case and assist in pursuing the most favorable outcome achievable through the proper outlets.

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